you usually see some inspirational item about starting, or,
doing it now? Have you read such? Do you usually feel like
that's right? You should start now, and, sometimes you even
are in the midst of doing something? So it's a good feeling but
an odd feeling, since you are already in the process? Can you
identify with that? This brief set of thoughts comes from a
deeper and more extensive work called "keyhole success," which
is due out soon; my hope is that you will find it useful and
also, truthful and even helpful. My sense is if you read this
and smile, that's fantastic, if you read this and smile deeply
and warmly, shucks, you might donate some bucks to keep me
eating, and if you read this, smile deeply and warmly and share
this with some others...WOW...who knows what could happen?

Why, is a challenge for us at all times, in my youth it was how
my mom let me know she was in charge, "Why!" got met with, "Because
I said so!" Which might have been followed with - a sound effect,
how about, THWACK! Remember such, wow, those are warm memories.
Why is a challenge for us at all times, as teenagers our dates
are usually wondering, "Why are we going there..." My hope is
that there is a good reason, my fear is that frequently the
reason may appear good but it isn't? Why moves up in intensity
as a challenge to us at all times, as adults we begin to want
to earnestly explain the need, to explain and even comply with
the urgency of a given task that requires the question, why?
Why is so good for us, that it is often not wanted; we just
don't want to hear it, ever experience that, and yet, just as
surely as we feel that way, what comes at us? Ah my, someone
invariably will ask, "why?"
Many times we don't know, why- and so at that moment we go
into the next phase, which is, now, why now? We feel like
it would be better, and certainly better for us, if we didn't
have to deal with it right now? Ever feel that way? If you
have, consider what follows, it's meant as a compliment.
Every person knows what makes them happy, they just sometimes
forget to recall it. Let's focus on that for one second more,
every person, knows what makes them happy, they just sometimes
forget it, or forget to recall it. Here's the point in picture
form; chocolate makes me happy, it's known to do that; heard
there is actually a certain chemical in it that does help
lighten a heavy mood- were that true, it makes sense because
chocolate makes me happy. Especially good chocolate, the sort
that has no heavy after eating twang, but has a nice, smooth,
warming glow to it. Know the stuff? Usually sold at a
specialty shop, usually costs a bit more than the typical
candy isle stuff, but usually it is also worth it, would you
say? When my mood is really not where it should be, if
there is some of the chocolate around, my mood can get better.
You may have something that has a similar effect on you,
hopefully without the calories? Now comes the fact of this,
in the past, when something important involving my personality
would be in the mix, if my mood weren't exactly fantastic,
it hadn't occurred to me to eat chocolate, today it surely
has, and does. The result? Better results, why, more smiles-
and why now, because the new smiles are needed.
Curious about the step that makes the difference, curious
about why? Curious about why now? Fantastic, leave your
comments and your questions and the author will get back to you.
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