As you are working on your network of contacts and people
that you communicate with; doesn't it also make sense to not
only enjoy the time you get to spend with them, but also to
use the technology to help you with the process? It is in the
using of the technology that we want to ask you if it doesn't
make good sense to keep track of things that matter to your
network connections.
We often speak of who, what, when, where, why/how as
the five W's of effective communications and networks, so that
who is involved, what and when they are involved and where
they are involved from, are all worth noting. When you can
note particulars about people and use the system to keep track
of those types of information, you can help those people feel
that you are connected to their lives. Such connection helps
them feel an interest in your behalf. By using the system you
can effectively help others with such effects. An example of
this is the birthday note which arrives in the email. While
most people aren't that excited about it, my sense is that it
is nice to receive a note saying "happy birthday."
If you've received such a note, maybe you'd like to contribute
to the overall learning of this group by saying if it was a good
experience? Hard to imagine it not being good? Until the
next get together, in a few days, let's think about how we
might use the technology we have to secure good stuff to
share with others...
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