Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gripped (B10MOYL) ! Uh huh...

The bottle was falling - as fast as I could,
with every bit of strength I could muster,
I had to stop it. Grabbed for it, needed to
grip it- sure didn't want Ketchup all over
the floor! Been there? Milk's pretty rough
too- have you heard the old cliche' about
spilled milk? Well, why not cry over it?

The fear that is in that moment can't last
because either, the bottle will be gripped
by your hand, or the floor? Hmm...before
you have time to contemplate it, you're
into the next, NEXT- a very interesting
place to be. I remember the Colonel I call
him; he had a car had the license plate
on it said, NEXT; it was a half Cadillac
and half Rolls Royce; guy was so wealthy
he had a Rolls chopped in half and somehow
a Cadillac front end was put on that
pup, he said he liked the Caddilac
transmission, but the ride of Rolls was
one of kind? That was one bizzare looking
car- but- that license plate, wow- that
was what stuck in my head, because he
explained it as a theory to life- NEXT!

He said, some will, some won't, so what?
NEXT. He said if some wanted to follow,
great, next, if some didn't, great, next,
if somebody wanted to do something, great,
next...he was always onto; next.

Without realizing it, he had put me onto a
course of HOPE- you see, hope is...NEXT!
I believe in next- a lot of people around me
don't believe in next- they see what they
see as where they are, and they base what they
believe they are going into upon that, so
strongly, that they aren't ready for NEXT-
even though it just might happen to them?
What about the person who goes to work
every day believing they are going to
experience the same ol' mess? They really
believe that- they really do- so they
don't say, "I love you," to people they
love, they really do, they just don't say
it, because they don't believe anything is
going to be different, they believe it is
all going to remain the same...but ever since
that night when the Colonel explained that
license plate to me, life has been a steady
series of, NEXT- so I always try to let folks
know I love them; as a way of getting ready
for NEXT! You see, we are never ready for
disaster- not really- just as we are never
really ready for, success, not really. We
would like to think we are, but the truth
is, we aren't- because we never really
know, and we can't really, what is- NEXT!

So now the question becomes, what will you do with what you know?

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