some years back when Stephen R. Covey wrote his masterwork
"7 Habits of Highly Effective People," mentioning the way
that this works out. 20% of the people are the ones who
generate growth, possess wealth, and basically are in charge,
the 80% are the observing grumbling sideline type who aren't.
You are reading this, let's presume you are at least headed,
toward the 20%, if you aren't already there. Which means
that this opportunity would be one you would cherish:

Here are the benefits, first, a bestseller is in the offing,
just the title alone as been number one on Google since December
of last year, and you, should you choose to become one of the
supportive types; would get a signed copy, hot off the press.
First come, first serve. Not only that, but, as soon as you
choose to become a supporter, you can gain access to monstrous
amounts of training valued at over 1900 dollars with folks who
have taught me so much. Aren't they cool to make such offers?
In the mix also is this little tidbit basket, behind every person
who generates something extremely wise and observant, like our buddy
Pareto (the author of the study) the statistician; we can all learn
from the 2 of 10 times that a tidbit comes out, such as this from
the wonderful work by Jack Canfield - "Success Principles":
"The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery
that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of
their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."
-William James Harvard psychologist (Canfield- pg. 187)
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