The Big Story You Dare Not Ignore!
This is a fantasy about Iran. Suppose a juvenile delinquent threatened your life said they were going to "burn you out," held up a book of matches, and headed up the street toward the gas station. Would you wait until they came back with a gas can full, before you got active about their threat? I'd make two phone calls, police first, the threat appears to be real, and the gas station second, hoping I could talk a person who sells stuff, out of making a buck when the threat is obvious! Heck - I'd even offer to pay them the difference if they'd hold off selling the juvenile delinquent any gas for a while, sometimes paying a sort of blackmail money can prevent one disaster at a time, can't it? Meanwhile I'd be all over the situation until I found a way to get it resolved. What I wouldn't do is say "to heck with them, they aren't gonna do anything," go inside and go to bed, go back to sleep, "well why not," you ask, "they probably aren't going to do what they threatened to," well maybe you are right, but what if you are wrong? Want to wait until you wake up to flames before you do anything? Iran isn't a nation we ought to fantasize about, they celebrated "Nuclear Day," their President, isn't going to let the issue that he claims his proactive warrior like statements are about; go away. "Well that's just fine Dana, you've got me all alarmed; now what do you think I should do?" Let's start with a call to your leader, if you live in the U.S., let's wake up your Congress - here are the contact numbers for all the Congress - SO - now you can't say you didn't have a number to call!
Lets say you think that you'd rather call your leaders -and if you are in the world or global mode - here are contact numbers to U.N. representatives world wide. So now no matter where you reside you can't say, "well I didn't have a number to call anyone."
Why call, it's faster, and this isn't a situation which requires slow action, this is a situation which merits your attention full time, full alert, until that call is made- you won't get off the hook, no matter what part of the world you live in. Once you call, then you really ought to follow that up with a written request that they; your leader, take immediate and focused action to control Iran's behavior- by whatever means is necessary- including sanctions against economic means which will hurt until they back off this proactive nuclear stance.
Now Iran isn't the only threat, they aren't, possibly, even the most likely threat to bring the world to the brink of nuclear holocaust- let's consider that there is considerable information out that North Korea is every bit the threat that Iran portends to be. My suggestion is that you take the same action described with regards to Iran, with regard to North Korea. "Well I would, but it won't matter." Here is a simple truth, if you do, it will.

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