Half way through the flight of life, we discover that the ticket really does have a cost, that we might not have calculated that cost in how we took our seat next to the window; we just started watching the runway fly bye.
After enough take offs and landings, we're used to the flight of life, and then we discover, we hadn't really known as much about that cost as we might've had we been smarter, wiser, more counseled instead of counselor.
When we're young we like relationships based on want, we see someone we want to know, we get to know them, it is pursuit, accomplishment and joy. As we live a while longer, we begin to see that relationships do have a factor that involves what we need, rather than so much, want.
As the needs move on, and grow stronger and stronger, we then begin to realize - we have to enforce a lack of needy relationships in our life, if we don't, we will be totally drained of all energy, and; we will not only be unhappy, we will feel unfulfilled. At some point we have to begin to ponder if we should be saying to someone "thanks, but, no thanks - I've got all the misery I need."

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