Ever have someone come up to you and greet you as someone else? Then they realize you "oh ...you aren't," and they stammer out something, usually, "uh, I'm sorry," and have you noticed how they finish that statement, yes they do don't they, they say "I didn't mean to ...bother you." Isn't that something, ever think about how universal that reaction is? It is, in fact, almost global in it's consistency, isn't it? Many years ago a man who wondered about why people choose the ways that they do to interact wrote a fascinating portfolio of conversational psychology- "What do you say after you say "Hello," in which work the theory principally restated PAC,
transactional analysis, the Parent, Adult, Child, model of

considering what people say. TA, transactional analysis as it came to be known in California where abbreviations take over quickly, TA can be useful to those who take the moments it requires to learn it. When someone seems odd, ill at ease, or, manipulative, they may in fact be, precisely that- and knowing TA can be very useful in dealing with people who are like that. If you would like more information regarding this or other personal subjects, we'd love for you to subscribe and let us know how we can be of service to you.
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