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If you've ever wanted to know something ahead of time, let's be sure that we add, not having to do with chance, but a measure of input and output, knowing ahead of time what the output would be, then you have grasped the essence of strategy. Just as there are three choices in life, it might also be conjectured that there are three strategic outlooks - the three choices we have discussed as: Accept, Reject, Change - and so we align then, strategic outlooks based upon an analysis of strategy which will be based upon, accepting, rejecting or changing. In forming a strategy we take into the mix, resources and time; within the which are many variants, yet, we come back again to the three, if the resources are sufficient, we accept them, if they are not we reject them, if we choose to have different resources, obviously, we choose to change them. In the forming of a strategy we want to speculate an outcome, a point at which we will have achieved what it is that we believe we need to. From that point we begin the process of determining if we have proper proportions of the mix, from which point we can determine if we shall accept it, reject it or change it. While this sounds simple, in reality, the formula becomes increasingly complex as we allow for variations to manipulate the outcome to our better satisfaction. What we come up with in its simplest form is an input=output + /- (v), we can best state this as i=o +/-(v), to this formula we can add then elements, t=time, as an example, we can measure work units as tasked accomplished variants, and so forth for each predictable use of the resource under formulation. We might for example choose to express the accomplishment of work units as a given of time input, to equal output so long as all resources remained constant. Where predicting outcomes moves toward higher science is in the details of variability to task, which is all expressed as an additional or subtracted determination. Would the work units being defined accomplished by twenty people change were that number to change to fifteen? Obviously, it would change, such change would be measurable but the decrease would be subtracted from the previously established sum, so that the overall calculation would be work units accomplished with twenty and one fifth such result would be five to be subtracted from the overall. In this manner predicting the outcome to resources over time can be accomplished. What we learn from W. Edwards Deming, however, is that even best plotted and designed systems cannot effectively be predicted, and that flexibility, ultimately, does come down to the most sensible adjustment of resources. Please take into consideration our chart to this effect and bear in mind that this is entirely an internal system, which has to consider all external matters as bearing on the resources to be joined into the input, certainly affecting the outcome.
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