Which he explained was his theory of management, that if someone didn't want to do it, didn't want to do it correctly, or just didn't want to follow the leader, then look beyond that situation by asking "next?" So the question he said that keeps you moving in everything from business, to life, is, next- so in your life, whats next? In your success, what's next? In your love life, what's next? Stale job, what's next? Stale money maker, what's next? Stock sucks, what's next? Real estate won't sell today, what's next? WHAT IS NEXT is what gets you to SUCCESS!
Which he explained was his theory of management, that if someone didn't want to do it, didn't want to do it correctly, or just didn't want to follow the leader, then look beyond that situation by asking "next?" So the question he said that keeps you moving in everything from business, to life, is, next- so in your life, whats next? In your success, what's next? In your love life, what's next? Stale job, what's next? Stale money maker, what's next? Stock sucks, what's next? Real estate won't sell today, what's next? WHAT IS NEXT is what gets you to SUCCESS!
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*Soley owned and distributed rights of DC Comics.
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