One of my all time favorite sets of writings is the series "The Sopranos," my other set of favorite writings is "The West Wing," both carry a large wallop in terms of over all power. Life and business are wrapped into a package that
Sun Tzu said is war, trouble is, business is usually taught as something else, and therefore, those who speak of leveraging and credit enhancements and buyouts of assets, are getting those who listen to
buy into the big lie. Here is the big lie, people will buy whatever you market well. That's a lie - and to prove that, look at what people will buy? People bought the show "
The Sopranos," when in three distinct polls over 75% of America, and 68% of the planet claim a God set of values morals and beliefs, which run entirely contrary to what is acted out in this extremely well written show. That is why people bought it, it was good, better by anyone's standard than just about anything out there, and what sold "The Sopranos," word of mouth from one person who watched and was amazed, from person to person the network took off; and that is why business school is a life in progress; you're in it, right now. What sold "
The West Wing," the same exact experience, sure ads are made, we all know about promos, but eventually what you and I listen to most is what our friends and associates tell us they are looking at, watching, or getting into. It is why you are reading this, you are beginning to suspect that your old buddy the doc may in fact have something to share that will help you when it comes to your business, want to know something funny, that's what you are telling your friends, all over the world, want to know something even funnier, that's what is making this writer into a writer- it's not what I write, it's what you read, it's not what I say, it's what you want to hear said, it's not what I study, it's how you feel that applies to you. Business is war and the truest form of business is warfare and you my dear reader are my warriors!
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