If you've had the experience of trying new stuff out, sometimes,
after spending a bit more for it than you'd like, to where, when
it doesn't work, you do take it back, or make that call, you know,
the one we all really hate to make; "hello is this tech support?"
Imagine then that in writing it's a little bit like that, and a lot
feeling wise, like that for the reader. When you take in these
words, they get you curious; you wonder where it's going, and
right about now, you are hoping it's going to make sense. Those
are the feelings that are standard issue to us all, I read a lot of
blogs, and even follow a few mentors on the web; for example,
Chris Voss, who has a marvelous blog called "The Chris Voss Show,"
Chris is fantastic, cutting edge, marvelous, and a genius that I
follow and respect. About half way through Chris's stuff, however,
is usually when I start hoping it is going to be worth it, and guess
what, he's never let me down, yet. Nor will I you, so hang on
there partner 'cause it's gonna get with it! (Jim Carey voice there...)
The following is worth...hang on gang..here it comes...$1295.00...
It will cost you...HANG ON...WAIT FOR IT.... $0.00 --How come?
Simple...it's a come on...I want you to look over this graphic and
it's mind blowing information...that you've probably not seen anywhere
else, and then...consider the seven points with it, and then realize,
"Gad zooks, this is powerful stuff..." AND THEN...go to drd4u.com
and subscribe for about $4.95...and guess what...you will instantly
get MORE...much, much, more...but don't take my word for it, step
off into the fun right here, right now, for free...and take it from there...
1. They know this material.
2. They know their people.
3. They combine those two.
The reason people will buy what you are selling is because first
you get what is following on the graphic, and second, they feel like
you get them, like I get you, you're a little curious, you've heard all
this sort of stuff before, but, this is just a tad different, isn't it?
A bit stronger...know why? This material was learned over many
years, I'm in my fifties now, and have had years and years of highly
technical training from masters in the craft, and a huge amount of
success because of it, I've had three careers, been successful, and
failed, and got back up, and failed again, and got back up, and, failed
again, and got back up and...see a pattern here? Guess what, no
matter where a person is, they won't be there tomorrow.
Mastering your success in selling your people to themselves,
be it as purchasers of your product, or, as fellow travelers with
your product, is all about getting back up and being willing to try.
You won't always succeed (shocking fact isn't it?) but you will not
fail, if you continue to try. So here is that graphic, let's see if this
You may not understand these terms, so let's very quickly now,
go over them: 1. A new situation is one you haven't been in before-
you have no emotional frame of reference for it. This is important,
the emotional frame of reference is new, the feeling is, "I wasn't ready
for this to happen right now." 2. Concrete Experience - one which
has emotion in it! Feeling of "Yippee this is fantastic," or even, "OMG!"
Pretty sure you get it? 3. Publish and Process - about the concrete
experience, people talk about what they feel about. 4. Generalize
about the concrete experience, people will tend to feel one way or
the other in general it was good or bad, of the concrete experience.
5. Plan contingency - this is thinking through what to do the next
time such a situation presents itself. 6. Implement plan - which
brings us to a - New Situation 1. It is a circle of learning, but it
is also so much more. This is not only how and why people learn,
but it is also the depth chart on how that keeps coming up, and
why and how people communicate about the events in our lives.
We all go through this, but there is more in this when you get into
the details of what makes up a concrete experience, than we can
cover here in the blog. Believe me, we have tons more to share and
to assist you in getting ideas about how to stimulate your customers
concrete experiences as they visit your pages or stores, or blogs. So
what was our deal? That's right, I save you the cost on the course,
that we took, and, you check out more info for very little denaro -
shucks if you ain' happy we gonna even give the denaro back to ya,
can't have folks unhappy...BUT...while we are there...ever hear
anybody gripe about our stuff? Nope...that's cause we good babe...
we got the goods goin' on for ya...check us out and see if it ain' so...
Until then...this is drd sayin' it's been ...and it will be again, in 2010!
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Visit our Facebook effort, it will make ya smile!
Visit our MySpace, strange but sometimes different is good!
Visit our YouTube- it is truly, going to be AWESOME- 3DEEP is coming! Soon!

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