Somebody honestly sat around and thought this stuff up, they
actually tested it, and came up with the theory that this
entry talks about. It is a very good guide, it has worked
for me many times and my hope in sharing it with you is that
it will somehow provide you some insight that will help you?
“You need to tell me about these people, I love these discussions but it isn't fair to keep me hanging on without telling me about these mysterious people, who are they?”
Her anxious, sitting forward nature really brought out the “fixer” in me, someone said once that men want to fix stuff, it's what we're like, so when women are just talking things through, we want to fix them; so we suggest solutions, which isn't what they want to hear, seems to me that might've been Dr. John Gray, who, turns out, would be, one of “those” people.
“Let's say that the people that we're talking about aren't strange or odd, and they aren't conspirators, that isn't what Rhonda Byrne meant when she said that people needed to know this and didn't.”
“Well then fine,” She was listening pretty attentively, I knew I should go on...
“When she realized that people didn't understand the law of attraction, she was flabbergasted...”
“She was what?”
“Flabbergasted, it means...” “I know,” she quipped in, “what it means, you get my question?”
“Sure, in many ways your question was hers, why didn't people generally know this, like they would know other laws of physics? Oddly, that is precisely what many quantum physics scientists are alluding to, that is there is something deeper at work, Byrne and others just maintain that this law which they have established as the law of attraction is what is at work.”
“This sounds a bit, out there, it really does...”
“Which is why I had you look at Dr. Wolf's stuff, he's a peer reviewed quantum physics scientist, but he isn't the only one, check out this list of people who believe as Byrne and others do: Ludwig van Beethoven, Alexander Graham Bell, Joseph Campbell, Andrew Carnegie. Winston Churchill, Robert Collier, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Ford, Victor Hugo, Carl Jung, Martin Luther King, Issac Newton, Plato, W. Clement Stone and there are many others of the past greats.” “OK, so those are some pretty impressive past greats, would I recognize any of the people who weren't past greats?”
“First there is one I want to call to your attention, because he is one awesome individual, his name is Hermes Trismegistus, he is associated with something called, “the emerald tablet,” and it contains a fascinating statement “as above, so below, as within, so without,”
“That sounds sort of mystical...” But she wasn't frowning, so I continued, “what I find interesting about him is the name you might recognize, it's his Arabian name,”
“Arabian? You don't speak...”
“No, no, I know that, it's just that, this is cool, his Arabian name is...Enoch.”
(see: and other resources...)
“Oh, you can't be serious, I've heard of him, isn't he that guy in the Bible? That one that...”
“Yup, that's the one, you know the story?” “Doesn't it say that he just dissapeared or something?”
“That's the one, pretty much different isn't it?”
“So he was a person who believed in this force of attraction?”
“Law of attraction...”
“Pick, pick, pick, you know what I mean...”
“Yes, apparently his tablet is one of the earliest mentions of how this works, would you like to know more?” She had that look which said “does a squirrel eat nuts?” So it seemed smart to me to try and get into the modern folks and see if she recognized some of them? These people who are so much about leading the world out of the most deadly virus that has ever hit the earth, and nobody, well, let's say, very few, even realized this plague was upon us, and in fact, we're suffering under it right now!
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