and having a grand time on the slide and the swing set; ah, it is
hot though, then you see it, the Ice Cream stand. The heat has
made you thirsty, and the dry dust of the playground has made
you even more so. Nothing beats the taste of a cool ice cream
cone on a hot park day. The sweetness, the great chocolate mint
taste, or Pistachio, if you like that (my favorite), takes the
heat and the sand and makes it all, better. The fun the flavor
and the great feeling create something truly wonderful.
The first of anything, usually isn't the best, sometimes
it takes a few practice runs to get things worked out
so that they are, the best. Take for example, your
first kiss, usually ain' all that great, truth be told,
but it's memorable. Kissing gets better as experience
kicks in, lots of things do. Experience is a strange
putting together of life that we lead and life that
we dream about; where the dream matches the times we
had, or, are planning on having.
The best kept secret is, you can have the best,
it is in you at any moment- it is in your heart,
translated by your mind into what your heart wants
to make of your life, let it.
drd's Blog
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