What It Used To...
My best friend, you'd think they'd love the same
things I love, go the same places I go, right?
Nope, in fact, we aren't anything alike, which

best friends, we are the
other persons wish list, I think?
Ever been in a relationship like that?
You know each other
so well that you pick up,
right where you left
off, and it doesn't matter
how long it's been
since you've seen or talked,
it just feels right?
It's the best of everything rolled into one.
But my best friend can't stand social media.
Can't stand Facebook and doesn't do it.
"I don't do Facebook."
"Well why not, it's cool, it lets you..."
"I don't care, don't ask me about it,
I don't do it..."
Something tells me that my buddy has
formed an opinion that doesn't fit into
my socket- at all, and they are missing
the wealth of "stuff," that my broad and
wide range friends contribute to my life.
Do they miss it, probably not, but would
it enrich their lives, probably so.
So today we want to share briefly about
the security of Facebook and how you
can actually control who sees what is
on your pages. "Wow Dana that's been
covered by the experts, why are you
doin' it again?" Simply put, it's because
many times, my friends aren't even aware
of them- so they don't get the benefit of
their teachings, and I don't want my
friends to miss out. Plus many of the
people that I know are just a little
leery of public viewing of their stuff;
maybe that's you?
Security Hasn't Changed Much- But
Things Have Changed A Lot
When Facebook first announced that
it was going to change the way that
postings were viewed, it caused some
turmoil. What I love to think about is
how folks reacted to the "new fangled"
digital phones, without a rotary dial?
You may not remember, but phones
used to be black, that was the only color
out, AND, they had a rotary dial, is how
the numbers got punched into the
analog system. It was just slightly better
than two cans and string, but it got us
talking over distances. Over time the
digital devices came into being, but
just as today, on the Facebook timeline
some folks fuss, back then, they fussed
about the new phones. Those same
folks, by the way, today, wouldn't be
caught dead without their "smart phone."
Just shows "ya" that some folks will fuss
no matter how small the change.
Facebook didn't originate with us oldsters
though, it originated with the college age
folks, and went into the younger than college
folks, before it migrated up the age ladder-
and, that's how change is done now- in our
present age, it starts with children watching
ads on Saturday morning while mom and
sometimes, dad, sleep. Those cartoons are
fine tuned to attract the market. From such
behavior it is just natural for them to take
to the new technology which is digital, and
the smart phone puts a computer in their
hand, and it tells them how to use it. So the
Facebook generation is now fully mobile,
an interesting concept in and of itself.
First the normal drd4U Facebook page:
stuff - the old home drop down arrow is there...?
Now we click on that arrow and see:
See those magic words...Privacy Settings...
That's where it's at and that's what we put
out mouse cursor over and...click...and we see:
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
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