I'm talkin' about? When the wind
that is blowin' - is blowin' you away?
You feel strangely detached,
you're in the show, but you just
aren't real sure how? Know
that feelin'? Sometimes it
comes on the heels of something heavy, sometimes not- but most of the time,
isn't what happens to you pretty heavy?
So those shaky
feelings in the pit of your stomach, they
might be, your wings comin' on? Yeah,
maybe that's what that's all about, ever
wonder about shaky feelings much? We
were hangin' off a cliff, there wasn't any
rope, there weren't any of those things you
stick in the rock to put a line in, it was our
hands, and the space below, some folks
would call that "a rush," yeah, for me it
was a shaky feeling in my stomach...
When Tom Petty sings about "learning to
fly," it has a whole new meaning to me.
But this writing is about you, not me,
it's about what you do, not what we
don't; so let's get to it. You may not

you about how excellent you are, and
that's O.K., it's good to stay a bit on
the humble side; but the truth, well
we usually don't see that, do we, and
when it comes to us, well, we see what
we want to see. So what we're sayin'
is - see yourself as you see you, and
then take into account what they say
you are - put them into a complete
colorful picture, and then, decide if
what they're sayin' is real to you. Try
that for a while, cause one thing we
know for sure, if you listen to everyone
else, and you ignore your inner talk,
before you know it, you won't know you.
See in my mind, you used to be fun,
you used to match my joy with your joy,
and between the two of us, we kicked
up some fuss that was amazing. You
used to be, so what happened? What
happened to that care free person that
ran alongside me in the rain? Where we
looked at each other, and laughed because
we knew it was nuts to run in the rain,
but it felt so good, so full, so much,
love. Wasn't that love? You used to be
the person who found those times,
where'd you go? What happened that
you became another person? You used
to not even think about it, you just
did stuff that brought joy, and then
you let me bring you joy, and now,
where'd the joy run off to?
If you get these things - then you are
well on the way to having your emotional
life move up a level, why not take that
emotional power and put it to use for
you in ways you may never have
thought possible?
* Mr. Petty's video's used from YouTube
a public venue - BUT they stand entirely
alone on their absolute merit- and we thank
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers for all
they have brought to our hearts. Run
don't walk to the nearest CD/DVD store
(Amazon.com don't take much runnin'
and latch on to their latest...)
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