and why, without you, it won't. First off, what are you
getting into - helping a community that needs help- how
you like that- folks who need help who ask for help and
leave out all the hype. People who, believe it or not, are
in this community making choices between having food
or having life preserving drugs- they are here, right under
our noses, only, we don't see them- because they; like
many, would rather not have it known- they've lived many
productive years, and now, in the last portions of their
life here, they don't feel like being embarrassed by
others knowing they simply cannot afford to live- how
would you like to be able to help someone like that?
Who are we helping, how about young people, the
most under represented group on the planet, they have
no political power- no representation, and yet, their
future is debated every single day- do they need to
have some say in what that future will be, don't you
think so? Who we will be helping, how about the
people who can work, but for whom no work is
available because it's gone, somewhere else- we will
be helping them to not only find work, but do the
jobs that they get paid to do, we will literally be
involved in making companies happen. Who we
will help, how about those who have reached the
end of their rope- only, they don't know who to
call, who to reach out to, or even if anyone would
care if they were at the end of their rope- we will
find them, we will help them. "Well," you might
think, "sounds like Utopia, the church, something
that everybody always talks about but then doesn't
do anything about." Sound familiar(?)- well, we're
going to get into the mix for them- and you, will
make that possible- they need you, we need you.
We hear from the media, main stream media lets
say and from the government spokespeople, on
occasion; and from many others, that this country
has become selfish, uncaring, unloving and that
people no longer care about people- I think that's
a lie- I think people do care about people- care
about the lives around them, aren't selfish, but
are tired of being taken advantage of, aren't
uncaring but do have to be cautious because
any time the economy gets a little tight it
squirts out the scam artists- but I believe in you;
and I believe you care and will want to help
some folks who are trying to help themselves
but are just not able- I believe you'll help.
Having said that, prove me right, take the
moments that it will take to make the calls that
need to get made. Volunteer to call someone
that needs to hear a voice, or, volunteer to call
someone who needs to get contacted about
what is needed, whether it be a Congressman,
Senator, or even the White House, and listen
to the leader of this group when that call is
explained, and then, just make it- just make
it happen because you can, prove that we do
care, we are caring and we won't stop just
because someone who has a jaded opinion
of what we do to help others, says we are
what they believe we are, instead of what we
really are, which is great people in a very
tough time, who can and will help- won't
you do it, won't you help?
What's in it for you- you will not believe
all the good that is going to come your way,
so, I'm not going to laundry list it, but lets put
it this way- when it comes to helpers helping
because they want to- we believe they will
get more out of that than anyone would
believe, but we also know something that is
pretty spectacular and real which will come
their way- so - volunteer because you are ready
to help- but get ready, because the truth is-
when you help- you will be amazed at how
that is going to help you.
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