to be what we want, faster lives
built on faster, everything!
it doesn't matter about content,
what matters is speed. Now the
difference between a RANT,
and this, which is
research, is, you'll notice some
references popping into this-
you might check those links to
find out that perhaps
this research, isn't a RANT after all,
rather it's a POINT, a THOUGHT,
with some context,
that context being, your life!
Somehow those who peddle speed in life, have turned it
into a mantra of depth and sophistication; so that,
it has come to equal power. Speed in technology,
speed in decision making; "just make a decision,"
has become the mantra of Harvard school of business
wanna-a-be's who are getting pumped out of
diploma mills at a frightening speed believing that
they get the issue of moving forward in a politically
correct lifestyle, and they are "rarin' to go!" Speed
has become essential to them, they've made sure
it's essential to you, their existence depends upon
you buying into what they believe is life. You see
nobody has introduced them to the concept of
"more abundantly," from thousands of years
ago, and they've not had any time to wonder about
it, so speedily and emptily, they rush into the void;
rush into the coming ...well, let's not get ahead
of ourselves, just yet, shall we?
So that means articles, like this one, cannot be long,
if they are, they "take too long to read." A former
friend, now at a distance, associate ( speed got into
their life in a huge way...) actually had the audacious
sense of truth to tell me, "your stuff just takes too
long to read." While I'm certain that she meant
my articles, and not my other writings, her remark
does have a certain appeal, if what you are considering
is the enormous pressures which speed brings with it?

in personal life, pressure to do
things "on time," in a "timely" way,
and to not "take too long."
This pressure used to be
external as bill collections were
done by a certain date, contracts
had to be fulfilled by a certain date,
even artists, if they wished to get
paid, had to have it done by a
certain date; and that time frame
concept used to be quite lengthy,
month to month, set date
to set date. However, with the
advent of more readily available
forms of advanced communications
those deadlines began to shift; began to become
more and more minutely focused, until, today,
literally, seconds carry enormous pressure.
So if we take just a few seconds here and do a
little thinking together will we be able to discover
something of value? Good question, value,
you see, value has even come to mean, discount-
hasn't it really (?); when in years past it actually
meant something cherished- consider that
change in our more's and socio-cultural outlook.
Michael Ruppert talks about the results of
derivatives in the economic paradigm and the
false nature of fiat currency- and yet, most
of us, have neither heard of it, nor understand
the impact of what he is referring to, do you?
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