The question now is- is this merely blow-back from the sealant, or is there something else going on here?
When the United States of America begins to dig into it's so called energy crisis- built around petroleum consumption; three questions come up: 1) Can we curb our consumption or change the way we consume the petroleum. 2) Are we so tied into the petroleum use that we cannot change. 3) If we begin to drill for our own oil resources, designed to come into American tanks for storage, will that lessen our dependence in America on what is called foreign oil?
These three questions eventually hit the cost factor - and the companies which drill for oil, have to operate as any other company for a profit. So the oil drilling companies are used to a certain standard of operation, and, the consuming and storing companies are also used to a certain standard, and the pricing of petroleum is consigned via certain economic mechanisms having very little to do with consumption, and much more to do with speculative value which homegrown American storage would impact upon.
At the end of the day, the question will come up, was this a disaster that occurred because of error, flaw in design, or- is this something else? We aren't talking about a ship which moves with currents and charts and can get off course, or be blown or maneuvered off course through many different factors, rather this is a set platform with set operating procedures. Were those procedures altered- and if so, was that alteration part of standard or non-standard behavior? At the end of the day, is this disaster meant to make America once more hunker down about drilling for her own oil?
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