Trying to get folks to understand what you are up to in your business is sometimes fun, especially if you have a really nice plan and lots of backing. On the other hand, because they likely aren't intimate to the business, spectators or customers, then it's very difficult for them to get as excited as you, it's not their business, OR- is it? Ah hah, there you see is the catch- we want, especially in the States, to believe that if we own a business we own it, but truth be told, would the customers think they had a part in that? Let me also share with you that when a successful business stops, it is sometimes very rough on those customers who have been loyal to it, and so, what can be said is that your business does have a certain number of customers, and you may not realize how large that number is, but they do in fact, have an interest in your business, part of it is there for them.
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