For a long time I have to tell you, that impressed me, until I learned how to use Photoshop, and then it was not as impressive, unless I believed it to be real, then it was still pretty impressive. But to me how much money you make, isn't the thing that I look at when I try to decide if I'm gonna listen to what you have to share about how to make more money in sales- I'm listening for something else, a quality item, that when it is present, you know it, and the money isn't an issue because, it's obvious the person is a success. So when I first saw Chris Voss online, first saw his blog, yes I was impressed. It got my attention for two reasons: 1) It was organized so that Chris could hear from me, and respond, and he did - which is a must. 2) The blog was always about something new, something cutting edge, and, it wasn't always about marketing or sales, many times Chris will do just a wonderful job of bringing out real people and real issues that matter, and he always treats them with respect; even when he is being funny or sarcastic; he is a class act.
Those two factors told me this man is a success and his word when it comes to getting things done will work. In the world of internet there are all sorts of folks who will tell you how great they are, Chris, won't, instead, you'll discover, if you will pay attention to his work, his wit and his suggestions, that this man knows what he is talking about; and a subscription to his service makes it worth way, way, WAY more than the small amount you will invest. Chris has the most thorough and the most advanced information I've run across in years, and, having a Masters in the field of computer information systems, my tendency is to not say that, so if you get the chance check out this one, he is for real, and he will be for you, the best over the best.

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