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Saturday, December 1, 2012
Christmas Money Helper!
When you find somebody who is successful
and they're making it work- you don't mind
sharing with folks how spectacular they are-
do you? I've been very fortunate to be able
to listen to Layne (kneeling front center) and
his remarkeable partner/wife Tara (white
ensemble standing behind Layne) for a few
months now- and I have to share with you-
they're the top of the line when it comes to
knowing how to make stuff work.
My sense of Layne is that he knows how
to line up a success program for you, that
will add bottom line money to your pocket
book- and this time of year that can be
useful, so give the ol Doc a comment
here that you could use an additional
$1500.00 or more for the Christmas
chill...and we'll get with you! Love you
peeps---keep on commenting and sharing!
OH- one last thing nearly forgot...Layne
found this Peach of a video to look in on
about how to become all the success you
need to be...we believe it, how about you?
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Made much easier because you are a part of
our DrD family. It's true- just like the title says:
Being thankful is made easier because you are
a part of the Drd family!
Being grateful is even easier than being thankful,
because with friends like we have, we
are so much surrounded by so many
amazing and talented and warm spirited
people that it makes us sad for those
who don't have that blessing.
So our prayer for you on Thanksgiving
is that you'll feel the same sense of being
thankful and blessed and grateful- and
that your day will be memorable. That
you will be able to spend it with friends,
with talented, warm, outstanding people
like those of you who follow DrD.
Stick with us, we have some great news
comin' your way in the next week...
until then - Thank God For You!
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
Join us on FaceBook CLICK HERE
our DrD family. It's true- just like the title says:
Being thankful is made easier because you are
a part of the Drd family!
Being grateful is even easier than being thankful,
because with friends like we have, we
are so much surrounded by so many
amazing and talented and warm spirited
people that it makes us sad for those
who don't have that blessing.
So our prayer for you on Thanksgiving
is that you'll feel the same sense of being
thankful and blessed and grateful- and
that your day will be memorable. That
you will be able to spend it with friends,
with talented, warm, outstanding people
like those of you who follow DrD.
Stick with us, we have some great news
comin' your way in the next week...
until then - Thank God For You!
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
Join us on FaceBook CLICK HERE
amazing growth,
army of volunteers,
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Folks have forgotten about the power of the quick
call in vote? Shows still use it, don't they? They
say, "if you want to vote for ...call..." they'd give
you a number, you'd call in, and you'd feel like
your vote was counting, right? If you were
really a rabid fan of one of the stars, you
might call friends to call in as well- we had
a friend call us to vote one time. So it makes
sense, doesn't it, that Facebook has come
along with a way for folks to vote for who
they think is best. Now you think I'm talking
about the super easy "Like" button, only,
I'm not, that's too easy, this is a bit more
complicated, but once you get it, you get it.
So - do you want to get it?
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Join us on FaceBook CLICK HERE
call in vote? Shows still use it, don't they? They
say, "if you want to vote for ...call..." they'd give
you a number, you'd call in, and you'd feel like
your vote was counting, right? If you were
really a rabid fan of one of the stars, you
might call friends to call in as well- we had

sense, doesn't it, that Facebook has come
along with a way for folks to vote for who
they think is best. Now you think I'm talking
about the super easy "Like" button, only,
I'm not, that's too easy, this is a bit more
complicated, but once you get it, you get it.
So - do you want to get it?
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
Join us on FaceBook CLICK HERE
Thursday, April 26, 2012
You Used To Be
Those shaky feelings in the pit
of your stomach-know what
I'm talkin' about? When the wind
that is blowin' - is blowin' you away?
You feel strangely detached,
you're in the show, but you just
aren't real sure how? Know
that feelin'? Sometimes it
comes on the heels of something heavy, sometimes not- but most of the time,
isn't what happens to you pretty heavy?
So those shaky
feelings in the pit of your stomach, they
might be, your wings comin' on? Yeah,
maybe that's what that's all about, ever
wonder about shaky feelings much? We
were hangin' off a cliff, there wasn't any
rope, there weren't any of those things you
stick in the rock to put a line in, it was our
hands, and the space below, some folks
would call that "a rush," yeah, for me it
was a shaky feeling in my stomach...
When Tom Petty sings about "learning to
fly," it has a whole new meaning to me.
But this writing is about you, not me,
it's about what you do, not what we
don't; so let's get to it. You may not
really believe all that stuff they tell
you about how excellent you are, and
that's O.K., it's good to stay a bit on
the humble side; but the truth, well
we usually don't see that, do we, and
when it comes to us, well, we see what
we want to see. So what we're sayin'
is - see yourself as you see you, and
then take into account what they say
you are - put them into a complete
colorful picture, and then, decide if
what they're sayin' is real to you. Try
that for a while, cause one thing we
know for sure, if you listen to everyone
else, and you ignore your inner talk,
before you know it, you won't know you.
See in my mind, you used to be fun,
you used to match my joy with your joy,
and between the two of us, we kicked
up some fuss that was amazing. You
used to be, so what happened? What
happened to that care free person that
ran alongside me in the rain? Where we
looked at each other, and laughed because
we knew it was nuts to run in the rain,
but it felt so good, so full, so much,
love. Wasn't that love? You used to be
the person who found those times,
where'd you go? What happened that
you became another person? You used
to not even think about it, you just
did stuff that brought joy, and then
you let me bring you joy, and now,
where'd the joy run off to?
If you get these things - then you are
well on the way to having your emotional
life move up a level, why not take that
emotional power and put it to use for
you in ways you may never have
thought possible?
* Mr. Petty's video's used from YouTube
a public venue - BUT they stand entirely
alone on their absolute merit- and we thank
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers for all
they have brought to our hearts. Run
don't walk to the nearest CD/DVD store
(Amazon.com don't take much runnin'
and latch on to their latest...)
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
Join us on FaceBook CLICK HERE
I'm talkin' about? When the wind
that is blowin' - is blowin' you away?
You feel strangely detached,
you're in the show, but you just
aren't real sure how? Know
that feelin'? Sometimes it
comes on the heels of something heavy, sometimes not- but most of the time,
isn't what happens to you pretty heavy?
So those shaky
feelings in the pit of your stomach, they
might be, your wings comin' on? Yeah,
maybe that's what that's all about, ever
wonder about shaky feelings much? We
were hangin' off a cliff, there wasn't any
rope, there weren't any of those things you
stick in the rock to put a line in, it was our
hands, and the space below, some folks
would call that "a rush," yeah, for me it
was a shaky feeling in my stomach...
When Tom Petty sings about "learning to
fly," it has a whole new meaning to me.
But this writing is about you, not me,
it's about what you do, not what we
don't; so let's get to it. You may not

you about how excellent you are, and
that's O.K., it's good to stay a bit on
the humble side; but the truth, well
we usually don't see that, do we, and
when it comes to us, well, we see what
we want to see. So what we're sayin'
is - see yourself as you see you, and
then take into account what they say
you are - put them into a complete
colorful picture, and then, decide if
what they're sayin' is real to you. Try
that for a while, cause one thing we
know for sure, if you listen to everyone
else, and you ignore your inner talk,
before you know it, you won't know you.
See in my mind, you used to be fun,
you used to match my joy with your joy,
and between the two of us, we kicked
up some fuss that was amazing. You
used to be, so what happened? What
happened to that care free person that
ran alongside me in the rain? Where we
looked at each other, and laughed because
we knew it was nuts to run in the rain,
but it felt so good, so full, so much,
love. Wasn't that love? You used to be
the person who found those times,
where'd you go? What happened that
you became another person? You used
to not even think about it, you just
did stuff that brought joy, and then
you let me bring you joy, and now,
where'd the joy run off to?
If you get these things - then you are
well on the way to having your emotional
life move up a level, why not take that
emotional power and put it to use for
you in ways you may never have
thought possible?
* Mr. Petty's video's used from YouTube
a public venue - BUT they stand entirely
alone on their absolute merit- and we thank
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers for all
they have brought to our hearts. Run
don't walk to the nearest CD/DVD store
(Amazon.com don't take much runnin'
and latch on to their latest...)
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
Join us on FaceBook CLICK HERE
good relationships,
meaning in life,
Rock and Roll,
The Heartbreakers,
Tom Petty
Monday, April 23, 2012
Security Don't Mean
What It Used To...
My best friend, you'd think they'd love the same
things I love, go the same places I go, right?
Nope, in fact, we aren't anything alike, which
is why we're fast friends,
best friends, we are the
other persons wish list, I think?
Ever been in a relationship like that?
You know each other
so well that you pick up,
right where you left
off, and it doesn't matter
how long it's been
since you've seen or talked,
it just feels right?
It's the best of everything rolled into one.
But my best friend can't stand social media.
Can't stand Facebook and doesn't do it.
"I don't do Facebook."
"Well why not, it's cool, it lets you..."
"I don't care, don't ask me about it,
I don't do it..."
Something tells me that my buddy has
formed an opinion that doesn't fit into
my socket- at all, and they are missing
the wealth of "stuff," that my broad and
wide range friends contribute to my life.
Do they miss it, probably not, but would
it enrich their lives, probably so.
So today we want to share briefly about
the security of Facebook and how you
can actually control who sees what is
on your pages. "Wow Dana that's been
covered by the experts, why are you
doin' it again?" Simply put, it's because
many times, my friends aren't even aware
of them- so they don't get the benefit of
their teachings, and I don't want my
friends to miss out. Plus many of the
people that I know are just a little
leery of public viewing of their stuff;
maybe that's you?
Security Hasn't Changed Much- But
Things Have Changed A Lot
When Facebook first announced that
it was going to change the way that
postings were viewed, it caused some
turmoil. What I love to think about is
how folks reacted to the "new fangled"
digital phones, without a rotary dial?
You may not remember, but phones
used to be black, that was the only color
out, AND, they had a rotary dial, is how
the numbers got punched into the
analog system. It was just slightly better
than two cans and string, but it got us
talking over distances. Over time the
digital devices came into being, but
just as today, on the Facebook timeline
some folks fuss, back then, they fussed
about the new phones. Those same
folks, by the way, today, wouldn't be
caught dead without their "smart phone."
Just shows "ya" that some folks will fuss
no matter how small the change.
Facebook didn't originate with us oldsters
though, it originated with the college age
folks, and went into the younger than college
folks, before it migrated up the age ladder-
and, that's how change is done now- in our
present age, it starts with children watching
ads on Saturday morning while mom and
sometimes, dad, sleep. Those cartoons are
fine tuned to attract the market. From such
behavior it is just natural for them to take
to the new technology which is digital, and
the smart phone puts a computer in their
hand, and it tells them how to use it. So the
Facebook generation is now fully mobile,
an interesting concept in and of itself.
First the normal drd4U Facebook page:
Notice that even with all the new timeline
stuff - the old home drop down arrow is there...?
Now we click on that arrow and see:
See those magic words...Privacy Settings...
That's where it's at and that's what we put
out mouse cursor over and...click...and we see:
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
Join us on FaceBook CLICK HERE
What It Used To...
My best friend, you'd think they'd love the same
things I love, go the same places I go, right?
Nope, in fact, we aren't anything alike, which

best friends, we are the
other persons wish list, I think?
Ever been in a relationship like that?
You know each other
so well that you pick up,
right where you left
off, and it doesn't matter
how long it's been
since you've seen or talked,
it just feels right?
It's the best of everything rolled into one.
But my best friend can't stand social media.
Can't stand Facebook and doesn't do it.
"I don't do Facebook."
"Well why not, it's cool, it lets you..."
"I don't care, don't ask me about it,
I don't do it..."
Something tells me that my buddy has
formed an opinion that doesn't fit into
my socket- at all, and they are missing
the wealth of "stuff," that my broad and
wide range friends contribute to my life.
Do they miss it, probably not, but would
it enrich their lives, probably so.
So today we want to share briefly about
the security of Facebook and how you
can actually control who sees what is
on your pages. "Wow Dana that's been
covered by the experts, why are you
doin' it again?" Simply put, it's because
many times, my friends aren't even aware
of them- so they don't get the benefit of
their teachings, and I don't want my
friends to miss out. Plus many of the
people that I know are just a little
leery of public viewing of their stuff;
maybe that's you?
Security Hasn't Changed Much- But
Things Have Changed A Lot
When Facebook first announced that
it was going to change the way that
postings were viewed, it caused some
turmoil. What I love to think about is
how folks reacted to the "new fangled"
digital phones, without a rotary dial?
You may not remember, but phones
used to be black, that was the only color
out, AND, they had a rotary dial, is how
the numbers got punched into the
analog system. It was just slightly better
than two cans and string, but it got us
talking over distances. Over time the
digital devices came into being, but
just as today, on the Facebook timeline
some folks fuss, back then, they fussed
about the new phones. Those same
folks, by the way, today, wouldn't be
caught dead without their "smart phone."
Just shows "ya" that some folks will fuss
no matter how small the change.
Facebook didn't originate with us oldsters
though, it originated with the college age
folks, and went into the younger than college
folks, before it migrated up the age ladder-
and, that's how change is done now- in our
present age, it starts with children watching
ads on Saturday morning while mom and
sometimes, dad, sleep. Those cartoons are
fine tuned to attract the market. From such
behavior it is just natural for them to take
to the new technology which is digital, and
the smart phone puts a computer in their
hand, and it tells them how to use it. So the
Facebook generation is now fully mobile,
an interesting concept in and of itself.
First the normal drd4U Facebook page:
stuff - the old home drop down arrow is there...?
Now we click on that arrow and see:
See those magic words...Privacy Settings...
That's where it's at and that's what we put
out mouse cursor over and...click...and we see:
Best FREE Software with Games and Video's anywhere! Click Here
Join us on FaceBook CLICK HERE
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