or spouse, are gone, and you hear "that sound," and no matter how bold
you are, you feel it, and it starts down by the base of your spine and
crawls up your back, doesn't it? Fear is very real, and it can be a very
good thing, because, through fear you can get in touch with things
that you need to get into touch with. Fear can be a very bad thing,
in that it can paralyze you from action, and action is the antidote
to fear- upon hearing that sound, if you cringe under the bed covers,
in the morning, you will feel ridiculous, having gone through a
night of furtive sleep. On the other hand if you get up and arm
yourself, and employ your training at defending your home, and
you go explore - you find it was, just the wind blowing a tree limb
that normally you pay no attention to. Action is the antidote to fear.
The world situation is a fearful one. We are not being told all that

the full devastating facts from the world, and the why is very simple,
those who control the funds, want that truth withheld. That's a
pretty broad brush claim, but if you look at it in it's most serious
light, consider Toyota, who is shutting down plants left and right,
due to the enormous damage of the Tsunami and earthquake that
hit Japan; and you will see that you've heard very little at all
about this; ask yourself if such news would affect their sales?
That one simple item tells you a lot if you let it.
Don't be fearful, let us hear from you...
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