Incredulous is the term for something that you find impossible to believe but which exists- seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time, can be that sort of experience. It is so enormous, and so beautiful, and so, beyond anything that a person could ever put together, no matter how spectacular
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Pandora were, the Grand Canyon is, real, and incredible, so incredible it leaves you with a sense of incredulity.
Maybe what we find the most incredible is that which we ourselves wouldn't want or desire to have happen, and yet, is the very thing that takes place? When it comes to success, we have so many different ways of looking at what we call success, that it is hard to imagine what would be different if we could make it different? Success for most Americans is defined as a monetary matter. Yet success, in the final analysis, also involves something much larger than a mere dollar figure- what would we call success, if we were looking back from some years down the highway? What
Ben Franklin came to know as success was truly remarkable in his lifetime, and yet, today, hundreds of years later, we are still very much in debt to this great mind- yes, Ben Franklin was a success. The tendency among those who aspire for more and better in life is to overlook the fundamental thing which made Ben Franklin successful- and that is the center of his being- Franklin was a man who devoted himself to service and to considering the needs of those around him.
When you consider the needs of others, do they have shelter, do they have food, do they have what they need, if you do so from the most basic of human stances, you will open your mind and your heart to matters that may get complicated for you, but in the final analysis, like the great movie;
"The Blind Side," you may find yourself in for something much larger than where you are now, and much more successful than you might imagine. Please bear in mind, your life, your concerns and your knowledge can and do mean something to someone, you may not be aware of it, you may not realize where that impact is, but your life matters to them, and they are paying attention to what you are doing, not what you are saying- and also, they are listening, to be sure, when you least expect it.
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