explain, but you know they are right, and you know that someone
helped you in an amazing way, but you can't exactly say how?
That mystery really grabbed hold of me today, and so I wanted
to share with you what took place. What I don't want to happen
is for some jaded individual to misinterpret what took place and
not get it; because I think you'll agree with me on this, the world
is becoming a pretty jaded place? So please take this story for
just a recounting of a remarkable effort to help someone who
otherwise gets no press on the matter, a small businessman
out here in the real world of it, trying to make our way.
We applied to do some work with the government, and we
were hoping to gain some backing from the Senator's office-
this usually can take up to two weeks, we expected some
time line like that, we asked for a shorter time line, but we
all know how Senator's have a lot going on, and, it is
getting close to election day, a couple of weeks off, so
we really didn't expect a lot would take place.
First, we wrote to the Senator's office in Shreveport
and asked if they'd help us out. We did not expect them
to immediately take action, we're not a multi-million
dollar company, we're the little guy, myself and a
couple of volunteers that we hope will someday be
able to turn into a real company. We're small is my
point, so, we didn't expect much assistance because
there really isn't much glamor in helping out a little
business. we're a little jaded too, aren't we that
we would presume such? But that's honestly how
we felt about what we were asking.
Not only did that staff in Shreveport help
us out, but they went the extra mile to obtain us
help from the Baton Rouge office, and the
Senator himself researched and wrote part of
a letter of endorsement for our efforts. Folks- we
aren't big business or big bucks, in fact, we scrap
for every dime- but to David Vitter- we meant
something, and he and his staff showed us that they
care, not just about big bucks and big time T.V.
ads, but about what's happening with us little
fellers out here in the real world busting it every day.
You can say what you want to- but that's what
happened- and in my book David Vitter and his
staff which sure indicates leadership to me, showed
us something that we won't ever forget- they showed
us that to them, we might be a small business, but they
treated us and helped us like we was worth a million
bucks. Folks in Louisiana, we need leadership like
that to stay in the fight! If you are reading this in
one of our readerships outside the state, or even
some of our international readers, please, tell your
friends or family who live in Louisiana that you
heard it first hand from a small business owner that
this Senator rolls up his sleeves and gets to work
for the little guy!
David Vitter doesn't know I wrote this, He didn't
ask for a blog entry like this, it's my privledge to be
able to say these things about the wonderful thing
that he has done for us, please consider it as such.
Thank you - Dana C. Richardson small businessman.
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