Thursday, March 11, 2010

That Wasn't What I Was Thinking

Well...So Now What?
Wow - sometimes things don't go like you think they will. Take for example a very simple request, take all of, oh I don't know, ten seconds to take care of, would prevent a lot of hassle to you personally. So they say, "nah, can't do it, sorry..." We're talkin' very easy to do texting on a cell phone that they do many, many times a day- but when you ask for just one specific notice, nope, it ain' gonna happen. Now the question comes in, do you assign any weight to that action, in terms of evaluating what you mean to that person? Well gosh, wouldn't you have to wonder if they cared much at all about your concerns? So it is with things that sometimes don't go the way you think that they are going to. The question is, what do you do when that happens?
Then You Have To Decide
One of the great sales leaders, and a great Christian man as well, Zig Ziglar, emphasizes how important relationships are. One of the most brilliant responses that I've seen lately on relationships is, don't let someone become a necessity to you when you're just an option to them. Thought that was good advice, what about you?
Question Is What To Do?
Shortly after creation, the evil one thought he'd really done something spectacular - here he had boxed them in, and he had them believing that God wasn't on their side. God got that straightened out, and so, the evil one decided he
needed another shot at it, God being supremely confident as He has the right to be, told the evil one to give it his best shot. So the evil one began to think on it. Centuries past, and centuries are a long time, finally he came up with it - he said to God - "I ruined beauty with Eve - so there is no more beauty in women on earth." To which
God just laughed, and laughed and laughed...because-
He knew - you.

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