Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Great, GRRRREAT Site and Leader

Bringing the best new stuff to you who are attempting to make a living off the web, that's our goal, and we're getting real good at it.  We sift through an amazing amount of email, traffic and even Twitter sized offers to get to the ones that we test out and if they work, or, seem like they are feasible, we wanns put them out here for you.  One which we know works and works well is Chris Voss.  We tout Chris because his system for getting social networking to move for you and your product or service is one which has wisdom and strength to it, when we find such things it is our pleasure to share them with you.  Check out Chris ...he has a blog cast coming up this evening that is really cool...CLICK HERE TO GET ON BOARD
A New Link that might be useful check out: http://www.elggexchange.com/

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Visit our YouTube- it is truly, going to be AWESOME- 3DEEP is coming! Soon!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

That Wasn't What I Was Thinking

Well...So Now What?
Wow - sometimes things don't go like you think they will. Take for example a very simple request, take all of, oh I don't know, ten seconds to take care of, would prevent a lot of hassle to you personally. So they say, "nah, can't do it, sorry..." We're talkin' very easy to do texting on a cell phone that they do many, many times a day- but when you ask for just one specific notice, nope, it ain' gonna happen. Now the question comes in, do you assign any weight to that action, in terms of evaluating what you mean to that person? Well gosh, wouldn't you have to wonder if they cared much at all about your concerns? So it is with things that sometimes don't go the way you think that they are going to. The question is, what do you do when that happens?
Then You Have To Decide
One of the great sales leaders, and a great Christian man as well, Zig Ziglar, emphasizes how important relationships are. One of the most brilliant responses that I've seen lately on relationships is, don't let someone become a necessity to you when you're just an option to them. Thought that was good advice, what about you?
Question Is What To Do?
Shortly after creation, the evil one thought he'd really done something spectacular - here he had boxed them in, and he had them believing that God wasn't on their side. God got that straightened out, and so, the evil one decided he
needed another shot at it, God being supremely confident as He has the right to be, told the evil one to give it his best shot. So the evil one began to think on it. Centuries past, and centuries are a long time, finally he came up with it - he said to God - "I ruined beauty with Eve - so there is no more beauty in women on earth." To which
God just laughed, and laughed and laughed...because-
He knew - you.

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Visit our YouTube- it is truly, going to be AWESOME- 3DEEP is coming! Soon!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Never Forgets

Last night, very late, Dr. Wayne Dyer, a man I respect and follow as a teacher, as a guru, if you will, was on PBS with a show from his latest series entitled, "Excuses Begone," lovely man, lovely teaching- grab hold of it- it will bless your life. Dr. Dyer is a never forget in my life; ask me about the first book I came to know from him, "Your Erroneous Zones," and I can tell you the gist of that book- why? Because we remember powerful influences. One more time, why do I remember that book, why will you remember them, as they occur,  
WE REMEMBER POWERFUL INFLUENCES, it is, no matter how you look at it, interesting that Dr. Dyer in this latest outing discussed powerful books which he has read, and powerful influences upon his life.  We remember powerful influences.  Influence- the ability to sway someone- the ability to affect a change of course in someones life- the ability to make someone pay attention to your ideas, and overcome their fraudulent and self defeating ideas.  Influence; and that influence always, watch this- always, has a cost!  One more time, influence, always has a cost.  No great leader, no great influence has ever happened without the cost associated with it being paid, to believe that you can influence others, without paying a price for doing so, is not a valid belief.  So the question then becomes, what is the price- and is that price going to be worth it to you to pay?  What's it worth to you to see one person who is an alcoholic to walk away from the booze?  What's it worth to you to see one person who has surrendered their soul to Meth, to come off it?  Dr. Dyer points out something interesting, we can, overestimate our ability to influence, and certainly that can be disastrous, but also, we can estimate correctly what the worth is.   What really does make me wonder about this great nation of America, is, are we becoming people who aren't willing to even consider the price?  Dr. Dyer considered the price, and owed up to it, and today influences many people to better their lives.  His life is a testament to the wealth and glory and wonder and awe and yes, love, which can result from such giving.  But not all of us are Dr. Dyer's are we?  Or, are we all, in some degree and fashion, just that powerful, only we want to choose to limit ourselves not to be?  Please don't fail to answer your heart on this one, and share away, that's what this blog is all about.

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Visit our YouTube- it is truly, going to be AWESOME- 3DEEP is coming! Soon!