mean a thing to me- I'm into people for the long haul, NOW,
having said that; if they seem cool, my tendency is to try
and see if they might turn into a style fit for networking?
If you don't know what a "style fit" is (don't worry, odds
are you think you know, guess what, odds are, you don't but
that's no big and breathe...:-) ) and a style
fit is very important to your success.

Mari Smith is a wonderful leader, an amazing source of
tremendous knowledge and, Mari has a magnificent sense of
humor which comes out in her methods. She really does
impress me with her style. Mari makes many, MANY; great points
about how to succeed with social media networking, and, did
I mention, Mari has a fantastic sense of humor?

Chris Voss first impressed me when we got crosswired in a bad
mixed up misunderstanding where I got (and this is rare) hot!
I thought that some folks were really runnin' me into the
ground ( sometimes - rarely - but sometimes, that can happen-
and we'll talk about business as war in 3Deep) and I mistook
that Chris was one of them. But here is what impressed me-
this incredible leader, this super courageous guy, who has
a list of multiples of thousands who consider him worth
taking in, called me to make peace. Look I don't care what
you say about successful people, Chris has shown me over time
that he: 1) Really knows his stuff, he knows this technology
and I listen to him about it. 2) Chris isn't afraid to get
very personal, to touch out to people, and that's exactly the
right way to be. 3) Chris has a sense of humor- and it's not
the negative type that the world pushes, it is, cool.
Sean Donahoe - cannot say enough about Sean- he is one of the
gentlemen of the social media business, and Sean bothers to
pay attention to how his people are doing. Sean gets back with
you, not an autoresponder, and even though Sean is in charge of
a network that is vast, international, and full of super charged
energy- Sean will take the time to get back with you, and that
matters huge. As to knowledge, Sean puts out new material in
a very regular fashion, and when he does, I just sit back with
my mouth open in wonder because Sean is so right on, so cutting
edge, but so clear about how to do it. Sean is a truly incredible
leader, a great trend spotter, and a fantastic visionary of the web.
These three, Mari Smith, Chris Voss and Sean Donahoe easily earn
your respect, you really ought to check them out, my personal
guaranty to you, my word to you is, I've checked them out and they
are rock solid to the person, honest to the extreme, they are
the real "stuff" that will help you in social media networking.
My task with you is even more intense, but this article isn't to
talk about drd4u, and 3Deep, those will come with time for you,
this article is to talk about these wonderful individuals who
contribute so much to the business of social media networking
and to your success as you join us. To say that Mari Smith,
Chris Voss and Sean Donahoe are leaders is true, to say that
they are inspiration at it's finest, is my personal note to you.
And on the cutting edge as we have promised...3Deep is getting
done and we are checking out a presenter named Shawna Schuh -
Shawna seems to have it together on YouTube, and I've watched
some of her presentations they are excellent.
As always - more to come...