Monday, August 10, 2009

In Time...Just...In Time

You have, no doubt, heard of the manufacturing term, just in time, which means that things are made just as they are due to be shipped; there is no large scale warehousing of merchandise or parts. Sounds good and the idea behind it sounds good but as you probably know, sounding good and being good, may not be such. So there is a dichotomy of need and demand being met, versus, saying it will be met, when it is not. In so many situations, we've become used to it and here is how (These are only very short examples for this writing, there are many, many more...). You pull into a McDonalds drive-thru where the understanding is a three to five minute wait, but it can be longer, can't it? We go into a SuperCenter, (not a bigger store with grocery shopping included, no, it's a SuperCenter) and there are thirty or more checkout lines, including perhaps ten or more which are self service; the expectation is a quick check out, only, we all know, it can be, but usually, isn't, is it? The point is, we've become used to having expectations set for us, that aren't met. Just in time, it has become a mindset, and not just in the U.S., it has become a mindset in the world.
What happens next is straight out of the textbook on Pavlov and reinforced negative behavior- let dog in, ring bell, show food, dog salivates, dog eats; let dog in again, same process, then let dog in ring bell, no food, dog still salivates- why? Dog expects food, it is the expectation, it has been, in effect trained to behave in a certain way. Say food will be ready in five minutes (McDonalds), it can be, the expectation is that it will be, what happens when it is not? Are we being trained, to adjust to a negatively reinforced behavior set, and the question would be, who is the trainer?
Christian's want to strain at this situation and insist that it has to be God or the Devil. If anyone asks the honest question about whether that's real or not, they are viewed by those Christian's as nuts. From such a mix eliminating set of outlooks, how can we expect those Christian's to grow and develop healthy and enlightened outlooks, or, is the real desire to have Christian's without healthy and enlightened outlooks? Caution is certainly warranted here- my suggestion is that if we aren't careful we will do to the body of Christ what used to be done to mental patients who weren't behaving as they were expected to.
Finally comes the question about how we are as Christian's - because most of us don't warehouse our belief, do we? We want to deliver it, just in time. Problem is, this belief in God doesn't lend itself to that, does it? What do you think God says about such?
Luk 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls.

1 comment:

  1. Great point! I sometimes get questions with orders asking if it will arrive the next day! Guess we should keep our tube to God open! x0x
    Anita @ModelSupplies
