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Thanks for the hard work, the dedicated heart, and the
willingness to "get involved," and serve Christ- it is
appreciated - May your Christmas be beyond belief!
This lady walked into the Chamber of Commerce
here in Springhill and plopped down a hundred
dollar bill. The story is a heart felt one, and it's
shared here because we love you, pray for you,
and pray this will bless your heart as it did ours.
participated in, small businesses, and large corporate
types of successes; it's my pleasure to tell you, they don't
change. It's nice that they don't because you need
some solids in your diet, because we all know what
happens if all you get is liquid, right?
Now those of you who are religious types,
your mind automatically goes to that place
called "milk," am I right? For
those of you who aren't particularly religious but
read this blog for entertainment or to get P.O.'d-
well; suffice it to say, you are what you eat, so it's
good that some types of business paradigms don't
change, because you need solids in your diet! It is
easy to say; that for every ENRON where the corrupt
got busted; there are plenty, that didn't, and won't.
As my heart raced and my mind struggled to get her
message, fully, it occurred to me how amazing it is
that Queen Rania of Jordan points out how costly
it is to let children not get educated. It is so simple
and yet we just don't get it.
How easy is it to get behind this idea?
As easy as it is to walk next door, or
down the hall by one door, knock and
ask "hey you're my neighbor, and I just
wanted to get to know you." What's
actually happening world wide is a way
of life that includes you and only
those who you feel comfortable knowing.
Because of this, the crimes which in
the past were held in check, are
flourishing behind a lack of community.
Crime, the ultimate declaration that a
person rejects God, crime; and yet, in
many countries, just being a person who
is Godly, is a crime! Notice I didn't say
Christian, I said, Godly; because there
actually are still some countries which
practice anti-God - period, let alone-
anti-Christian ways. Yes it's hard
for you to believe that, but this evening
as you go to the house, and close the
door, and don't know your neighbors
plight, much; realize, you aren't an
isolated person doing this, the world
is becoming a very cold and distant place.
Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound,
the love of many shall wax cold.
Now for those of you who don't believe Christ
maybe you can explain how he would know this?
There wasn't anything in His agrarian village
based culture to indicate this? For those of you
who think that this has nothing to do with
business, perhaps you can explain why all
the major teachers of motivation and business
and success have now included a spiritual
paradigm in their teaching? It's time you woke
up and smelled the coffee cooking, it costs
you more to be unrealistic about the wholistic
than you have to pay- wouldn't you agree?
Gorilla's can be... OK you finish the statement?
Here are some ideas:
Fun and cuddly, when they're inside they're cages!
Cantankerous after lunch.
Possessive of your affections.
Downright huge up close and personal.
Less scary when you know- you're on their good side.
And the list goes on and on- but we're not really talking
about Gorilla's are we? Isn't it odd how when we're
at the zoo, and we're looking at the Gorilla in their
cage- that we call it their cage(?)- as if, they came
down out of the mountains, tapped the zoo keeper
on the shoulder saying; "you know freedom sucked,
and this cage here, well, it looks like just where I
want to be."
There is certainly something to be learned
about boxes, and thinking and lines and
linear thoughts- and Gorilla's who just
insist on staying in that cage. My, my,
we do define out limitations don't we?
We might want to believe that we don't,
certainly it is way more comfortable to
believe that we don't, but in the end of it,
we have usually settled somewhere in some
way, to get a result that we believed would
be "just what we needed." How often,
however, has that turned out to be the
case in your life?
Boxes can provide a sense of security,
when we don't have them, we want them;
being free thinking and creative, can be
dangerous (even), and certainly when we
are free we are at risk; so, being boxed can
become a sense of comfort. We are all
very familiar with the term comfort zone,
but what we aren't nearly as familiar with
is how to get out of that comfort zone.
Do you think Mr. Gorilla would leave
that cage, having experienced it for so
When we completed that statement up top
about a Gorilla can be, do you know that
what you said is actually a key that you
can look at which will indicate to you some
of what your thinking is like? Odd isn't
it, if we call them cuddly, guess what that
indicates about our state of mind? If we
say that they can be dangerous, what's that
suggest our focus is on? So the idea of
looking at what we are thinking isn't new
at all, but if we fail to do so every once
in a while, we may wake up and find that
our choice to be boxed, or not, is gone.